AGM – Wednesday 3rd November 2021

The decision has been made. With the club having missed out on monthly meetings and the all important AGM where the members have the chance to appoint the management and officials for the year ahead, an AGM meeting will be held on Wednesday 3rd November at 8.00pm.
Still with caution in mind, the meeting will NOT be in the club office, Instead the meeting will be held in St Olcans Hall on Glenshesk road, to allow social distancing and ample room for members. The only issue with the hall on Glenshesk road on a Wednesday night is that the Armoy Livestock Market is on the same night, with large trucks and vehicles with trailers travelling past the hall on the way to the market. Members parking outside St Olcans Hall may cause a distraction & bottleneck, therefore I’d recommend members park within the village of Armoy or behind the Armoy filling station.
It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to hold club meetings and It’ll be nice to get back to some normality and meet up with old friends.
There will be hand sanitizing upon entry and if required please bring your own face mask, we’ll provide the tea and biscuits!