With Insurance and event costs spiraling, the Armoy club decided a couple of years ago to change the way we sold programmes and parking to a ‘Supporters package’ in favour of supporting the club and contributing to the future of Road Racing events.
Someone has rocked the boat and now the clubs running the events are having to clarify to the department of Infrastructure DFI), are spectators being charged to watch the races?
We have been instructed to update our website and reply to the question, Do I have to pay?
No, spectators are not charged to watch the Armoy Road Races, there are a number of locations outside the road closing order from which spectators can view the Armoy races without purchasing a race package in support of the Armoy Road Races. The locations of Main Street, Hillside Road, Magheramore Road, Glenshesk Road and Coolkeeran Road leading into Armoy are readily accessible until the road closing order barriers are reached. Please be aware however that viewing will be limited/restrictive in these areas. No spectators are permitted Trackside, on Private property or in Prohibited areas
Yes, The race area within the Road Closing Order (known as the Armoy circuit) and the privately owned, zoned parking/viewing areas within the order are under the control of the club and as such, there will be ‘Supporters Packages’ offered for sale in support of the Armoy event in return for an event lanyard, programme and a pass to gain entry into one of the privately owned, zoned areas which have been agreed with landowners to provide you with parking and enhanced viewing of the event.
Supporter Packages can be bought here
Real road racing fans know and are equally prepared to support events by purchasing programmes, parking wristbands/lanyards and parking packages in support of the Armoy Road Races. We sincerely thank you in advance for your support.